Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Dennis Flores                                                                                           LCS-101FF-WB

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

        The struggle between this two peoples stretches back to the early 19th century. The Zionist Movement sparked by worsening persecution of the European Jews became motivated to find a home for all Jews and was supported by Britain at the time. On the other side in 1915 Britain had pledged to help Arabs gain independence if they rebelled against their Ottoman overlords. As a result of world war one Britain gained control of Palestine from the Ottoman Empire for 30 years Britain lords over both the Arabs and Jews living in the area. In 1921 the first violent act erupts between the two peoples. After control of it was given to Emir Abdullah by Britain to form the Hashemite Kingdom of TransJordan. After years of conflict between  the two communities the united nations suggests two states be created one for the Jews and one for the Arabs. More fighting breaks out as the Arab states reject the plan. Soon after both declare themselves states and as Britain moves out fighting erupts between the two nations. Years of conflict give way to incidents like the Six Day War and other incidents. leaving us where they are today locked in a constant struggle. I for one believe both parties are at fault and that co-existence is the only option for these two nations.

            Both sides would disagree with my solution simply because they each believe they have a right to the holy land and the other side doesn't. They both use their historical back rounds as a foundation of their argument. The Israeli find that every time they dig in the area they find archeological proof that their ancestors had a presence in the area. Historically Israel was around up into the point of the Roman Empire they use this fact to prove the point there was a Jewish presence in the land. Others would also say it is in Americas best interest to support the Jews in Israel as they impede many would be aggressors to American interests so having a strong single Israeli nation is the best solution. They also believe in their biblical right to the holy land. The Palestinians don't believe any of it and that Israel has no right to exist. They also believe the territory to be theirs as they were legally living in it before being pushed out by the Israeli people. Like the Israeli they use their history and the Quran their holy text as a foundation for their right to live in the holy land.

            Both the views of the Israeli and Palestinian people are too narrow minded. Yes you both have history in the area. But that does not give the Israeli the right to displace Palestinians from their homes in the Six Day War. Although I think the Palestinians have every right to fight back against such blatant aggressive behavior it does not condone the use of more violence. It is no secret both parties involve originated from the same area historical findings prove this but that is not the real issue. The issue is that neither side wants to give an inch Palestinians don't recognize Jewish history. Organizations like Hamas only aggravate the situation these childish bickering and fighting about who shot first makes things worst. If both parties are only interested in living peacefully they should do just that. Together they could share the holy land rather then taint it with blood through the endless fighting over it.   

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Gun Control

Dennis Flores                                                                                           LCS-101FF-WB

Gun Control

            The second amendment is part of the American constitution and protects citizens right to bear arms. 40% of American households  have guns about 1.500 children are harmed by guns and over 100,000 people are killed by guns every year. I feel that the second amendment may have been a necessary law back in the 17th century with Americans feared British rule. Now how ever we live in a different time and it is simply unnecessary.

            Those who would seek to protect the second amendment argue that guns make people safer with facts like "The United States is #1 in the world in gun ownership, and yet it is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 people." Aaron B. Powell came up with a pretty good statement saying that  “GUNS ARE NOT THE ISSUE. WE ARE.” ―Aaron B. Powell, guns. Although I agree with him I still feel guns should be controlled.

            My opinion is that there are to many guns in America it is estimated that there are 270 to 310 million guns in the U.S. which is almost as much as the population of the U.S. itself.


I also find it startling that is some places they are sold in this fashion as if these things are not responsible for the countless deaths of our fellow man. In my opinion the only solution is to keep a tight lid on them to make sure only the most sane individuals have access to something so dangerous. So we can avoid things like this.