Sunday, October 19, 2014

ISIS the latest Threat to the Civilized World

Dennis Flores                                                                                           LCS-101FF-WB

ISIS the latest Threat to the Civilized World

            ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq) Is an Islamic Terrorist group waging war in the middle east for their so called god. Where ever they go they leave a trail of destruction and use their god as an excuse for the atrocities they commit. They have been rapidly gaining ground all over the middle east under their mysterious leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Right now America has taken small steps to quell this organization that harbors delusions of world domination. These steps are not enough with a threat of this nature the retaliation has to be just as harsh. To stop ISIS  and ensure the safety of the world as a whole we must take swift action.

            Proof of the rising threat of ISIS can be seen in a timeline complied by major news station CNN. In a short few months the damage they caused in Iraq Forced 1.2 million of it's inhabitants out of there homes. Not to mention the kidnappings, executions, and bombings. The only action so far taken by the US is the training of Syrian rebels in the hope they can fight against them and Air raids on key strategic locations. These actions will only slow ISIS down we need an actual battle plan.

            Some Democrats believe that the limited action being taken by the us government at this time is enough. Others still believe that the fight needs to be taken directly to them. The question is whether or not US troops should get involved like they had in the past. Air superiority alone can not win a war especially when fighting a enemy spread through out a large nation. Ground forces are a necessity to beat back ISIS. In a recent battle going on Kurdish forces fighting ISIS were able to reclaim territory in Kobani. This was thanks to the joint efforts of Kurdish fighters on the ground and air strikes from multiple countries. Continued success against ISIS like this depends on if we are willing to take action and send men onto the front lines to deal with ISIS once and for all.