Sunday, September 28, 2014

Citizens United vs. FEC

Dennis Flores                                                                                           LCS-101FF-WB

Citizens United vs. FEC

            This law was passed in 2010 and it tore down a wall that was our only protection against the influence of big business. It gives corporations the ability to pour money into election campaigns. What this means is that these corporations can throw their weight around or rather their money in an attempt to influence political elections. this takes away the power from people and hands it to these corporations. This changes the whole flow of politics.

            Those who support this ruling believe that corporations have the right to fund organizations. They support the notion that these corporations are people which legally they are considered to be people. In addition they feel that these corporations retain the same rights that any person has which would imply they have the right to fund election campaigns. Another belief is that this law actually helps promote free speech and is beneficial.

            On the other side of the coin is those who think this hinders free speech by giving corporations more power then the average American. This limits the amount of influence the average citizen has since these larger corporations funding dwarfs that of every one else. These corporations are not people and therefore don't have the right to deep there fingers into the political process. These liberals believe that corporations shouldn't have the sort of influence that this law gives them.

            I myself feel that this is a terrible decision and that corporations are not people. My definition of a person is a human being one with a heart mind and body. These corporations don't fill the bill and as such should not have the same rights. This decision takes power away from people and sits it in the hand of these non-corporal things called corporations who talk with their money. A poll I found in a Washington Post article I found showed me that most people opposed this decision if it is true then why are we dealing with this today. 



Sunday, September 14, 2014

What do you think Kenny?

Dennis Flores                                                                                           LCS-101FF-WB

Interview: Kenneth Fitzgerald

            I decided to interview a close friend of mine named Kenneth. His political identity has been molded by several factors. He was a raised by a single parent his father. He lived in Florida before he moved to Boston. This gave him a broader view of what life can be like in different places. He is part of the middle class and as such has to struggle with many of the problems all Americans face.

            Kenny considers himself independent he feels that people should make decisions based on there own thoughts and opinions. He feels one's choices should be made with out the influence of an out force trying to sway you. One of the issue he feels strongly about is America's economy. He believes that the government is squandering opportunities to create more jobs and income. Another is his stance on abortion which he believes woman have the right to do as they wish. Kenny hopes that the next person in line for the presidency will be able to lead America back into stability and out of debt.

            I feel my own political identity was helped formed by the family I was raised by. Seeing the struggle my mother went through raising me and my brothers helped me realize the importance of government benefits. I certainly wouldn't be where I am now with out my mother and my mother would not have pulled through with out welfare. My family is very religious and believes all life is sacred and so do I which makes me pro-life. Most of my views have been shaped by my upbringing. I believe a leader should be strong willed and willing to do what ever it takes to improve the lives of those he leads. I feel a leader should be able to look at a problem from multiple angles and choose what is best for every one. Also a leader should never neglect the minority.

            I learned more about the political views of my friend and how they differ from my own. I feel that people vote for liberals or conservatives in order to see there point of view represented. They feel their ideas are right and the solutions they have will bring about change. The Change they want that will improve their quality of life. Change is also what drives a voter's interest. At the end of all this my views were questioned by my friend who has vastly different opinions on many things. From him I've learned a different way of looking at things.

            Interview Questions

  1. Who would you like to see run for president next election?
  2. Why do you think they would make a good president?
  3. What do you think is the greatest problem America is facing right now?
  4. What do you think about the NSA?
  5. Are you happy with the Obama Administration?
  6. Who did you vote for last election?
  7. Who will you vote for next election?
  8. Do you consider your a liberal, conservative, or independent?
  9. Do you think America should take action against ICIS?
  10. Was Obama right to pull our troops out of Iran?